Hey everyone!
We are hard at it, getting our mountain ready to share with you! We've got swag galore to give away just because we think you all are so awesome! Wouldn't you agree?
This year, like last year, we are raising money for Cobequid Wildlife Rehab Centre. Last year we raised funds for them and were able to purchase 'wood' to help construct this specialize structure for large birds of prey:
Pretty cool, eh? When everyone gives a little, we CAN make a big difference! So, bring along some money to donate!! The wildlife will thank you!!!
As the organizers of the race, we like to make a connection with you and so if you know who we are, it's a little easier. So, our local photographer, Christine Whelan of Wonkyeye Photography, donated her time and talents again this year to snap some pictures of us. And once again - we had a blast! We're excited because she's joining us this year as a runner, too!
This year we are joined by Scott Stackhouse. He started running with us last year in training for the Fitz Frenzy ( and to break his treadmill habit ) and we just kinda kept him. He keeps us in laughter and provides encouragement through some good ole smack talk....nothing like a few good digs to get you motivated and moving faster! He also puts up with all our crazy girl talk on the mountain - poor guy! He can use a chainsaw, too, so that's why we really keep him around, he is a huge asset to our team!
Here we are, after having decided that us three girls should try to hold him....you can see how well that turned out!
Sadly, we thought if we did it another way, it might work.....nope, still not!
Oh well, no fools, no fun!!
So when you see us on race day - say hi, tell us who you are and why you love trail running so much! We'd love to chat!
See you in just over a week! Happy Trails!
PS - Don' forget to pre-register on www.atlantichip.ca to get entered in a draw, just for those who took the time to let us know you were coming!!
Hello Fitz, if you want to come in Quebec to try the Ultra-Trail Harricana of Canada (UTHC) you can contact me. info@xc-harricana.com